About metastatic breast cancer



The information here may be able to help you answer some questions you have in mind about advanced lung cancer. You may have been previously diagnosed with early lung cancer and already received treatment for it in Malaysia, or you may have been diagnosed for the first time with advanced lung cancer and never been diagnosed with lung cancer before.

Whichever applies to you, the following facts about advanced lung cancer are the same:

  • Stage 4 advanced lung cancer is the most advanced stage of lung cancer, where the cancer has spread, or metastasized to both lungs, the area around the lungs, or distant organs.1
  • With preparation, you can be ready to make decisions that'll maximize your treatment options and comfort.1
  • The treatment options for late stage 4a or 4b lung cancer vary depending on several factors, such as, whether any gene mutations have occurred and your health in general. While common treatments aren't likely to cure your lung cancer, they may help you feel better and live longer.1
  • Keep in mind that survival rates are only estimates. Everyone's body responds to the disease and its treatment differently. Relative survival rates also don't take into account recent improvements in treatment. They're based on diagnosis and treatment from at least 5 years earlier. New treatments are being researched and improved on every day.1


What are the symptoms of stage 4 advanced lung cancer?

People with lung cancer may not have any symptoms until a later stage. If lung cancer signs do appear, they can resemble those of a respiratory infection. Symptoms vary but may include severe chest pain, coughing up blood, bone pain and bone fractures, headaches, fatigue, blood clots, as well as appetite loss and weightloss.3

How long does it take for advanced lung cancer to spread?

Healthcare professionals broadly classify lung cancer as one of two types: small cell lung cancer (SCLC) or non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Different types of lung cancer grow at different rates. NSCLC accounts for about 85%Trusted Source of lung cancer cases. SCLC is less common than NSCLC, but it tends to spread more quickdly. Doctors also tend to diagnose SCLC at a later stage, on average.2

How do I adapt to a new life with advanced lung cancer?

Receiving a lung cancer diagnosis can be scary, but support is available. You can connect with your healthcare team to learn more about strategies to slow the spread of lung cancer and improve the outlook. By understanding advanced lung cancer outlooks, you can anticipate what you'll experience as you navigate thetreatment process.1,2

What kind of support can I get for my stage 4 advanced lung cancer diagnosis in Malaysia?

There are support organisations and resources available in Malaysia, including us at Thrive, which strive to provide the best support possible for people living with advanced lung cancer through available support groups and resources beyond treatment.


  1. Healthline.com (2021). What to Expect with Stage 4 Lung Cancer. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/stage-4-lung-cancer-prognosis. Accessed 7 July 2022.
  2.  National Cancer Society Malaysia and Lung Cancer Network Malaysia (2021). Patient’s Guide to Lung Cancer.
    Retrieved from https://www.lungcancer.net.my/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Patients-Guide-to-Lung-Cancer-Handbook-1.pdf. Accessed 7 July 2022.
  3. Medical News Today (2021). You ask, we answer: How quickly does lung cancer spread?. Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-fast-lung-cancer-spreads#the-takeaway. Accessed 7 July 2022.